Cicilline Announces $3 Million in Home Heating Assistance for Rhode Islanders


PAWTUCKET, RI – February 3, 2014 – (RealEstateRama) — U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI) today announced that Rhode Island will receive $3 million in Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

“At a time of record breaking cold temperatures, this federal money will provide critical relief for Rhode Islanders,” said Cicilline, who voted for the 2014 omnibus appropriations bill that made this funding available. “This is welcome news to many families and seniors in Rhode Island who are struggling to afford higher than expected energy costs.”

The release of these LIHEAP funds will allow low-income Rhode Islanders to access this critical lifeline more quickly. A Record number of Americans have applied for this assistance in recent years due to high home energy prices. Last year, about 37,000 Rhode Islanders received LIHEAP assistance and the program also provided 7,000 families with crisis assistance, according to the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources.

In total, HHS released more than $454 million in heating assistance funds for states across the country.


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