Langevin Opposes Ending Housing Program That Helps Rhode Island
March 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) voiced strong objections to a bill brought forward by House Republicans today that threatens to eliminate resources that would create jobs and affordable housing in Rhode Island. The Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Termination Act (H.R. 861) would end a proven successful effort to revitalize neighborhoods, as well as save and rehabilitate buildings and foreclosed property. NSP has already resulted in 100 new homebuyers purchasing and restoring previously foreclosed properties in Rhode Island and 165 foreclosed homes being acquired for non-profit
Rhode Island awarded $3.8 million for affordable housing to create 123 rental and ownership...
BOSTON, MA - November 29, 2007 - The Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston (the Bank) awarded $3.2 million in grants, loans, and rate...